I've been redditing on different accounts for a bit over a year now, and Reddit has a special place in my heart. Obviously, Android has a special place too in there. It's really amazing when I found an app that bridges those two interests together.
When I installed my first Reddit app, I went to [Reddit News](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=free.reddit.news&feature=nav_other#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDYsImZyZWUucmVkZGl0Lm5ld3MiXQ..). The swiping gestures were neat, but eventually I settled down for the ultra-popular, feature rich [Reddit is Fun](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.andrewshu.android.reddit&feature=nav_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDNd) (which I've herd is a /r/Android favorite). A few weeks ago I found one Reddit app to rule them all.
[Reddit Now Beta](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.phyora.apps.reddit_now) has been my go-to Reddit app for nearly a month now, and I can't see myself switching back anytime soon for casual Redditing (it doesn't have all the features of Reddit is Fun yet, and I'll keep that on the side for now). When you open the app, you go to the Front Page tab. Scroll left and you'll get to My Reddits, scroll right to go to All, followed to all your subscribed reddits. Scrolling is smooth, and so are all the animations everywhere. Posts line up down the left 4/5 of the page, and the right 1/5 of the screen you get the preview of the edge of the post you have selected. It looks out of place at first, but I quickly got used to it and now it makes sense to be there.
To read an article, either touch on it, or touch on the preview (the right 1/5 of the screen) and drag to the left, uncovering the post. To see comments, grab the bottom bar (which has the up/down vote buttons and other information) and drag up. To go back to the subreddit and see more posts, grab the left edge of the screen and pull right, reducing the post back to the tall, slim preview it was before.
If you want to get rid of the "panel overlap" feature, you can do so in the settings (this is the preview on the right 1/5 of the page or so). This makes the app appear and act more like a traditional Reddit app (which could be for some people...not me though).
This app has less than 10,000 downloads, requires 1.1MB of storage, and android 4.0 and up. I really think it deserves some recognition. It's a very solid Reddit app, which looks amazing. It is missing more advanced features (mod options such as Reddit is Fun offers), but that's to be expected from a beta app. It's worth the free, small download. Maybe if you like it, you could suggest it to a friend!
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